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Enchanted Potential, A Romance in Resumes (2003)

fig.34.567) all of your pleasant attributes are right here

This is why Rock and Roll can be so dangerous, it’s the most cleverest of all the barbarian's toys. Rock and Roll leaves behind it's teens unclean and as giddy as moths, they're drunk from rich candle sap and deep pine, they long for more vinegar and coarsest of copulants. They'll sit for hours with Lester Bangs between their knees and only come away with fish. All of them freaks and for each there is still a savior, "Is it not so much to be so new, will you not have asked this yourself by now?"

Walking among the kites and the buzzle bees, toe's like dashes open to the sun. The massive, the onerous is already a day away. How is it that we do not die from grief at the passing of each and every day already? How is that my elbows and hair still work at the edge of my morning's bed where the stretch of my inconsequential form is unfurled like so much drowsy bait. Where the smell of my fingers this morning is good. They're warm and nutty from the consumption of much spirit and tobacco while the water of my bladder shines like it's a formless spray of dew.

Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: previous note

Sorry, I must have transcribed STTZRCLBDXRQBGJSNBOHMKHJYFMYXOEAIJJPHSCRTNHGS-DB's last Paragraph wrong.

This brief note is a statement of intent as well as an RSVP. I wish to propose in this note a piece whose working title is, "Enchanted Potential, A Romance in Resumes". "Enchanted Potential" is a dramatic broadcast reading of the School of the Art Institute's Grad Faculty's resumes vs. their paramours at the UIC Grad Dept. The Resumes will be read by four actors (two men two women) in turn or possibly in tandem. A romantic musical accompaniment of flute, french-horn, and cello will provide ambience for the lovers (resumes) as they pitch and swoon through all space and time. As I am pressed for time I cannot include my more critical notes with this informal statement. But you can rest assured that more words will follow regarding the Romantic core of the piece. In edition to some grumpy multi-syllable-isms about the piece's obvious relationship to Marcel Duchamp's, Large Glass and Walter Benjamin's, Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.  
I trust you will take into account the enormity of this project and respond appropriately in a hasty and vocal fashion. 
Yours Truly,

Windsor, Ontario
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 05:13 PM
Subject: radio meeting

We would like to invite you to a meeting discuss the new proposed radio program. The meeting will informal, a chance for everyone involved to meet, to discuss directions the program could go in and also to play excerpts from previous radio projects. It isn’t important that you have ideas for programs, more that you have an interest in taking part.

The meeting will be held at noon on Sunday, July 13th at The Pond 1152 N. Milwaukee, located very close to the Division stop on the Blue Line (about 2 blocks Southeast).

Please RSVP, if you cannot make it at that time but are still interested in being part of this project please let us know.

Thank you,

i know that you did not reply to the first email, but i thought that i should email you again, just 'casue.  you should come over soon as well.  for drinks and a studio visit.  but mostly for drinks.

From one indentured jerkwad to another, I’ve been saving this thing for our final go ‘round. I’ve been saving it for a special season, one that’s flawed. Now that the chill has begun and the windows are set and the doors have all done what they will need to do than it's time to take the longer view of the monograph and concede that it isn't divorced from history at all. Instead, it's been made to be greater or lesser within the tumult of history itself. Some might insist that they’ve become notable because of their resemblance to a bird, or to a kite or even to the shape that echoes the end of very nice sonnet. But this is a reality which is much divorced from or indifferent from the actual experience of the experiencers of this experience.

"Let me say this as I pull on my cap for you, immutability is not an attainable state. It's a of fantasy resulting from the dialectical tension of material and abstract realities that converge and then become separate from each other again. This notion of erosion, aestheticized as it might be is probably the most radical tool afforded to a young monographer such as yourself."

"Oh, that isn't immutability at all!"

"Wait, I'm still talking. Even the historian and the mathematician of rote changes will benefit from the tools of these agents and their process. These narratives as they've been described are almost certainly being defined by some accident or other. They're just points in time that are anchored not by the objects that they are but by the context within which those objects happen to exist. These aren't really snacks at all. No, I would argue that the true nature of the little sandwich is revealed not upon one viewing but rather by experiencing them over an elongated period, while they unfold for our eyes as if they're at a comely feast."


While my evaluation of Clyfford Still as a person has lessened somewhat, I nonetheless admire his determination to hold so much of his work together. It's helped to reveal in it a state that is more close to something which resembles an abiding wholeness or perhaps a more complete reading that eschews the trappings of its own camp. So let us talk about sex now baby. I'll sit down over here and look at those proofs. I'll write in their margins and whistle at my own tits if I have too. It’s not very easy for me but here’s a list of the novels that I’ll be writing for you soon:

  • Girls Aren’t Ironic, This is a Story: This story will appear to be too small or too narrow, despite this appearance it will actually be much enlarged at its terminus. In the words of the protagonist, a girl, "The bottom of it this already much bigger. Look deeper and you'll see." After this the protagonist and her lover will have a shop and they'll have an adventure with coriander, chile, tartar, cumin, chive, caraway, clove, ginger, and the powder of marjoram. Finally the girl will say, "I prefer drunken sex that doesn’t take me very long. It's like my pants are going to be wet and I already have tomorrow on my mind." 
  • Republica and All Of Its Younger Ladies: "Nope, not until I get a bunny. Then I'll want a jar. I want buzzle bees, a bag of them. You keep your chips. I like the birds and kites. Then only the freshest of the fresh most. None of the stingy strung up pedals neither. It's the real thing, now that's chaps." 

Kindly Spent and Liberally Seasoned,
Sir T'um


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