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Showing posts from May 9, 2020

Let's not drown the dog before this ends, These bullet points and I

People are very scared and they're not responding to any of this very well. My wife has pointed out that some of them will be returning to work, whether they want to or not. I think you’ve probably seen the large number of runners and the walkers, either with or without their dogs attached to them. They're all over the sidewalks in and around the city, making it hard to properly distance with so many people being unwilling or incapable of accepting the reality of this threat among those trying in vain to do so. The flowers won't stop, they'll keep growing over the dead racists too, you'll see. At the edge of the highways and in that small room behind the balconies where the light once played from it's hole. Our narratives should absorb our pain and loss, they're a reflection of our shared tragedy after all. They're the exposed purpose of our limitations within corners that have been constructed with something else, another riddle even? Our inadequacies m