Fig.1) Hamlet at The Begining |
Suits and games she SD arm in arm Lightly made upon this grass the sweet creme the autumnal gyre She has these dire thoughts of war These buckets for both the waiting and her anxious thoughts Dance away Dance away Dream (re: Games, game, TT, theory, node, parachute and theme
Dance again now, After drunk, broken, and hat, hat is much cleaned. Collect and save and be true for your work is free. Then Cock said, Collect and save and be true for your work is to the gentle homage of culture and the office of its Director. So go now, Go and be lunched on the last of these crusts and rinds, and hush.
Just wait says Cock, The morning syrup is the dew that runs down my legs length. It's from the femur to my shoe. I’m wearing it now like a gown and I'm out here with this Volkwagen. The Escorts, and the LeCars, It’s not like they were invented to the VanHalen today, It’s more like one of these cars is playing up, playing like Panama is really punk. But my legs hurt and my dad is the scariest mother fucker on earth.
Cock said, Bait and switch...