INSTEAD (at Dogmatic, ca.2006)
Here's a sketch for a group project, our last project which led straight into the nostalgia for another dead space scene. So much withering and morbid confusion in that time. Like panicked flesh, old skin should simply go (where, among the breakers there's a sudden cutaway and Dogmatic dies before seeing the world refreshed). Written with a slightly short hand, the words here confess an acuity for being dimly abrupt or all to easily drunk before noon on the weekend. Without surprise they go one after the other across the lined page of their splotched exam book. Maybe they regret what has happened, what they didn't do better, but they're only simple words. They didn't invent the automobile accident or the tragedy of knowing better. Nothing more needs to be said about walking away. The last program at Dogmatic will be a walk through audio trip. There'll be no work, no objects. Instead the show will be descriptions of the works that the artists did for the space through out it's tenure. It should be named the Last group show, A Show of Sound curated by (John) Wanzel. The floor and walls will marked in grids, just like (a) hanger where disaster is being reassembled and black boxes reveal whatever truth might be found in disaster.Instead of, Instead I've got this drunken sprawl of self loathing... What was that, fantasies never fart? Oh well.