fig.02.210) another harmless baffle There have always been things in front of that window; once Milton cut out paper leaves that he hung there with fat pink string. The high sun cascades in, letting shadows playing at the edges of the floor. Watching it is like seeing a brittle plastic film in a cinema that's the size of a bathroom. After a short wait she steps into the light. Her nose is just visible. The mask she's wearing seems well gnawed, some purpose must have interrupted the hungry vole of reason that's responsible for such violent deckling, but the barn of reason now forgets it's stopping. Why does she wear this, thing. Maybe she's disappointed in choices she's made? Brushing the hair from her eye's hotly, she exhales meanly. Standing up quickly, Myko turns and leaves the kitchen. This is when the world ends. The End. Chapter: The Next, To Begin! I adore her quick smell of perfume and whatever it is she has in her pockets. Back when kids would roa...