"Jamon, What if all of us are crappy versions and the movie just ends like that?"
"Do the crayons ever come home for us Geraldo? Will the tacos really care when the room goes black or the sound of the film rattles on it's reel? So what if the pigeon's half in their bag. All of us already sawr it asleep on the bus and some of us bought a sandwich."
"But it really starts with that damn mouse and it's cookie, Jamon. Then there's the Drain-O and the gallons of bleach that had to be pulled from the top of the mother effin tree, yippy ki-yay!"
"You sure know your parties Geraldo."
"That's right Jamon, I do know parties."
"You sound angry Geraldo."
"I am, Jamon. But more than that, I'm trying to write a song."