It's best to be wrong with a hammer in hand then to be right outside thank you - A birthday song for the birthday crewAs in the hot jazzy beats of the day, the steel and glass represented here borrows from a rich tradition of Latin flavors like samba and salsa. You'll see this in the strong interplay of the steel and glass as it reflects the seasons and the lively urban lifestyles that surround it. The tower is guided by the principles of song. It's measured and it serves it's purpose. The beginning and the end serve a similar function to the building's top and it's bottom, they're similar but different. The one is informed by the other and our experience of both is all the more rich for connecting each of them.
Willem DeKooning, Excavation (1950) oil on canvas Yesterday at work I bumped into this piece by Donald Kuspit on DeKooning's retrospective over at Artnet . Then this morning I bumped into this one on L Magazine's site, by Paddy Johnson . I don't know that Paddy Johnson demystifies DeKooning as much as she takes issue with his pallet, declaring it repetitive and boorish en masse. By contrast, Donald Kuspit writes an article painting DeKooning as a sadistic brute inextricably tied to the modern tradition in general and Picasso specifically. Together they make for some interesting reading, particularly as Kuspit never addresses the show itself in favor of drawing his conclusions from individual works. While Johnson seems to wear the show like an imaginary wool shawl, noting it's uncomfortable, out of style, and the zipper is broken. But she doesn't seem to get to a place that addresses what was actually there either, only what she felt was missing or to her mind ...